In 2004 hoorde ik het nummer Trouble en was meteen verkocht! Nadat het gelijknamige album bevestigde, vloog ik in november 2005 naar Manchester waar Ray Lamontagne een subliem concert gaf in de Bridgewater Hall. Een moment dat ik nooit zal vergeten.
Twintig jaar later verschijnt de introverte bard zijn negende studioalbum. Na een uitstap richting country en twee wat meer experimentele albums ging hij met Part Of The Light (2018) héél voorzichtig terug richting het geluid van de beginjaren. Een kentering die op Monovision (2020) full circle kwam. Dat de man niet erg productief is en zich graag terugtrekt op zijn landgoed, is bij de fans gekend. Vorig jaar doken dan plots twee singles op die een nieuw album deden vermoeden: zowel It Takes Me Back als Broken Sky deden alle fans van het eerste uur watertanden. Er kwam echter niet meteen een vervolg.
Tot een klein jaartje later de single Step Into Your Power - wat een song!! - ons uit ons lijden verloste: Lamontagne's negende, getiteld Long Way Home, kende een releasedatum. Véél blabla hoeft deze schijf niet. De ondertussen meermaals gelauwerde singer-songwriter laat het beste uit zijn eerste zes jaar (en vier albums) horen. het enige wat ons allemaal verbaasd is dat de twee singles uit 2023 er niet op staan.
Releasedatum: 16 augustus 2024 via Liula Records.
The core of Long Way Home reverberates deep into LaMontagne’s youth—at 21-years-old, in a small club in Minneapolis, he recalls seeing Townes Van Zandt perform live. A line from “To Live Is To Fly” has stuck with him ever since; Van Zandt sang, “When here you been is good an gone, all you keep is the getting there.”
LaMontagne reflects, “Thirty years later it occurs to me that every song on Long Way Home is in one way or another honoring the journey. The languorous days of youth and innocence. The countless battles of adulthood, some won, more often lost. It's been a long hard road, and I wouldn’t change a minute. It took me nine songs to express what Townes managed to say in one line. I guess I still got a lot to learn.”
LaMontagne has spent the past two decades carving a singular space for himself in modern music. In a career that has seen overflowing critical acclaim, he’s opted out of the spotlight and its accompanying celebrity in the remote hills of Western Massachusetts. The New York Times accounts, “Visiting Ray LaMontagne is like going back to another century.” His distinctive voice, described by Rolling Stone as an “impeccably weathered tenor croon”, continues to serve as a conduit for era-defining melodies and songwriting. Across eight studio albums, LaMontagne has let his songs and story speak for themselves, ringing a deep chord in the American subconscious. As has come to be expected through his extensive and awarded discography, LaMontagne delivers yet again on record nine with a cohesive, impressive effort.
Produced in tandem with Seth Kauffman (Floating Action, Angel Olsen, Lana Del Ray), Long Way Home’s nine moving tracks recall the folk-rock explosion of the early seventies, while aptly sitting among the modern Americana revival that LaMontagne was integral in fueling. Recorded over the course of a few weeks in his home studio, LaMontagne tapped both long-time and new collaborators across the record—The Secret Sisters provide backing vocals on the first three tracks, while the album was engineered and mixed by the team of LaMontagne, Kauffman, and Ariel Bernstein.
The album artwork furthers that LaMontagne is cracking the window open to his audience: the piece, a woodblock print by artist Barbara S. Beck, hangs above LaMontagne’s desk where he’s written most of his albums. Long Way Home is LaMontagne’s first full-length effort since 2020’s MONOVISION, a stripped back solo-recording heralded by American Songwriter as “soothing, but never clichéd warmth in retro-style.”
Acclaimed singer-songwriter Ray LaMontagne has released eight studio albums since his 2004 debut, Trouble, which is certified RIAA Platinum. 2006’s Till the Sun Turns Black and 2008’s Gossip in the Grain saw RIAA Gold certifications. LaMontagne received two Grammy nominations and won the award for Best Contemporary Folk Album for God Willin’ and the Creek Don’t Rise. In 2010 he began recording as Ray LaMontagne and the Pariah Dogs. For his debut album, LaMontagne won four awards, including three Boston Music Awards (Best Male Singer/Songwriter, Album of the Year, and Song of the Year) and an XM Nation Music Award for Acoustic Rock Artist of the Year. LaMontagne has received a nomination from the Pollstar Concert Industry Awards for Best New Touring Artist, the BRIT Awards for International Breakthrough Act, the MOJO Awards for Best New Act, and was given the title of Best Voice in 2006 by Esquire.

jvdm: Mijn 'albumrecensies' - als je dat woord nog kan gebruiken - leggen sinds half 2024 het accent zo goed als volledig op de muziek en niet meer op de blabla. Waarom? Dat kan je hier lezen.