Het heeft bijna een jaar geduurd, maar na de eerste machtige single Haunted heeft Brown nu twee extra nummers bij elkaar gepend en is de tijd rijp om een eerste EP van zijn nieuw project te lanceren. Prelude is 100% Oli Brown zoals ik hem graag hoor. De man is sterk beïnvloedt door Joe Bonamassa en dat hoor je zowel in zijn zang als gitaarspel, maar laat dit de vreugde niet drukken. De drie nummers op deze EP zijn stuk voor stuk sterke (blues)rocknummers. Kers op de taart is de akoestische versie van Haunted met als gastmuzikant de überfantastische Jo Quail: puur genieten van deze samenwerking met een vocale topprestatie van Brown!
Releasedatum: 27 januari 2023
Oli Brown is a British blues guitarist and singer-songwriter.
He has released three studio albums and one live album.
Brown released his debut album, Open Road, in July 2008 to good reviews.
Oli's second album, Heads I Win Tails You Lose, was released in 2010, and was produced by Mike Vernon. In the same year, Brown made his debut at the Glastonbury Festival. Classic Rock magazine voted Heads I Win Tails You Lose the number 3 blues album of 2010. Mojo voted it the number 4 blues album of 2010.
At the 2010 British Blues Awards, Brown was named 'Best Male Vocalist' and 'Best Young Artist'.
In the 2011 British Blues Awards, Brown won the 'Best Band' category and Heads I Win Tails You Lose was named 'Best Album'. He was also runner up in the 'Best Male Vocalist', 'Best Guitarist' and 'Best Young Artist' categories.
Following a 25 date tour of the UK as the opening act for John Mayall, Mayall asked Brown to step into the lead guitarist role of his band, when Rocky Athas was unable to attend the Indonesian Blues Festival in December 2011.
Brown's third album Here I Am was released on 23 April 2012, and featured Scott Barnes (bass), Wayne Proctor (drums and percussion) and Joel White (keyboards) with guest performances by Dani Wilde and Paul Jones. Here I Am was number one in the Amazon, HMV and iTunes blues charts and was released in the United States in June 2012. Brown was nominated for Best Guitarist and Best Young Artist in the 2012 British Blues Awards.
On 3 June 2013, at the Grand Rex in Paris, he opened for Joe Satriani and released a live album, entitled Songs From The Road on 14 June 2013.
In 2014 he formed rock trio RavenEye with bassist Aaron Spiers and drummer Kev Hickman.
In 2022, Brown announced new project 'Oli Brown & The Dead Collective'.