Bruit ≤ moet je niet uitleggen, Bruit ≤ moet je ervaren en dan hopelijk begrijpen. Sta me dus toe niet teveel woorden vuil te maken aan deze uitmuntende en rijke muzikale reis doorheen de menselijke aard. Neem ruim de tijd, zet je in je meest comfortabele zetel, neem een glas (van wat je ook maar intens kan genieten) in de hand, sluit je ogen en laat je geest afdrijven op wat je gehoor oppikt. Laat je fantasie vooral niet inperken en neem het adembenemende geheel volledig in je op.
Van onze zoektocht naar evenwicht in deze uiterst competitieve maatschappij (Industry), onze destructieve natuur (Amazing Old Tree) die leidt tot een gestaag verval (The Machine is Burning), de uiteindelijke heropbouw ervan (Renaissance) tot de onvermijdelijke vicieuze cirkel waarin de menselijke beschaving gevangen zit. De vier muzikanten met uitvalsbasis Toulouse brengen hun muziek als een tijdloze film over het menselijk bestaan en dat op de tonen van experimentele, instrumentale, neoklassieke post rock.
The Machine is burning and now everyone knows it could happen again is een meesterwerk dat je héél diep zal raken, éénmaal je ervoor openstaat.
Releasedatum: 2 april 2021
Bruit ≤ \ˈbrü-ē\ [French for "noise"] is a post-rock/modern classical quartet from Toulouse, France.
Emerging from the ashes of several pop bands, the Bruit ≤ project was born of the desire of its members to turn their backs on the majors and return to a process of creation without constraints. Initially, the band's intention was not to perform live but to research and experiment with sound in a studio environment. At the end of 2016, this research would result in two live videos filmed in their studio that would enable the band to make its debut on the Toulouse scene.
After this experience, Clément Libes (bass, violin), Damien Gouzou (drums), and Théophile Antolinos (guitar) composed together in search of their own sound identity and with the aim to create progressive music that subverts genre and would result in the expansion of stylistic boundaries. Consequently, during this time, the band went through several line-up changes until Luc Blanchot (cello) joined in January 2018. It was only then that Bruit ≤ truly felt complete and sure of their direction, creating emotively intense and expansive, instrumental compositions of a conceptual nature that merge post-rock, ambient electronica, and modern classical.
In July of 2018, the band signed to Elusive Sound who released their first EP, Monolith, that Fall. The band supported the release with a twenty-show tour of France and Belgium, sharing the stage with bands like Shy Low, Slift, The Black Heart Rebellion, Silent Whale Becomes A Dream, Jean Jean, Endless Dive, Poly Math, Orbel, A Burial At Sea, and others. Bruit ≤ was invited to perform at Dunk Festival in 2020, but the event was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, they focused on the composition and production of their first full-length album, changing their line-up again with Julien Aoufi taking over on drums.