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Sounds | Growing Horns, 2084

John Van de Mergel

Ons Stoner hart slaat sneller (nu ja) wanneer we deze melting pot aan Doom en Sludge horen. Het slepende tempo, de ultra-laaggestemde riffs en op het einde die piano outtro als kers op de taart. Dat we benieuwd zijn naar de EP is vrij duidelijk.

The Nobility Of Pain verschijnt op 5 december en zal - if God willing and the Creek don't rise - ook bij ons worden besproken.

Even voorstellen

Growing Horns is the mutual love of five bastards with a passion for all things slow, low and heavy. Take some doom darkness, add some sludge filth with a pinch of thrash violence, and pour it into your bong with some of your finest liquor. Shake thoroughly and fire the fucker up!

Imagine yourself. It’s pitch-black dark. Smoke rises up from a barren landscape. Vaguely reminiscent of sulfer. Why do you know that …? In the distance, razor-sharp peaks of the looming mountains ahead. They are obviously of an unkind nature. And then … an unfathomable sound. Something you’ve never heard before. And to be honest, it shouldn’t be heard by human ears. It’s the sound of burning flesh. Of titanic, ripping waves of smouldering lava. It makes your skull ache. Like something of the purest evil wants to break out. The sound grows louder. You hear a voice. Normally only heard in the 9th circle of hell. Pounding drums, booming bass and unholy guitars. Dante cries. It’s Growing Horns. The next level of stoner-infested sludge doom. Imagine yourself.

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