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Sounds | Opeth, Ingen Sanning Är Allas

John Van de Mergel

Omdat het zo hartverscheurend, bloedstollend mooi en tegelijk creepy as hell is.

De nieuwe Opeth 'In Cauda Venenum' kwam een tijd geleden reeds aan bod bij ons.

Een woordje uitleg

The offbeat and beautifully crafted video short was created by renowned South African born animator/artist Jess Cope (“Frankenweenie,” “Metallica: Here Comes Revenge”) and follows a melancholic and bitter man on the brink of self-destruction and insanity as he delves into a sinister alternate world as reality crumbles around him. Cope previously collaborated with OPETH’s Mikael Åkerfeldt on the music video for “Drag Ropes” for his side project STORM CORROSION, with Steven Wilson. Working mainly with traditional animation methods, her shorts have an enticingly tactile look and feel to them and are brought to life with an unprecedented level of skill and attention to detail. Her emotive storytelling draws in audiences in a way that has seen her win multiple awards for her films in recent years.

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