Ze noemen het zelf Adventure Metal, kwestie van zich te onderscheiden van hun de andere Sonata ArcticasGloryhammers e.d.? Power/Symphonic Metal dus. Een feest in de oren van fans van fantasy lyrics, high-pitched vocals, een razend tempo, véél melodie en een dikke saus keyboards. Noem het gerust Happy Metal, want de sfeer is best vrolijk in tegenstelling tot de gangbare trend op vandaag.
Het nieuwe album, getiteld Dawn of the Dragonstar, van de Zweden komt er op 16 augustus aan.
Van een optreden in onze contreiën zijn we momenteel niet op de hoogte. Luister ook: Nights Of Winterlight
Even voorstellen
The foundation for what is now TWILIGHT FORCE was laid out in 2011, with a quest to bring back the golden age of epic symphonic power metal. By combining strong melodies with orchestral arrangements and fast tempos, TWILIGHT FORCE wanted to create an intense and memorable listening experience; immersing the audience in a magic universe filled with wonder, heroic tales and mesmerizing mythical worlds. Using their vast experience from previous musical endeavours, their classical training and technical proficiency, they started working intensely and meticulously in their studio in the heart of Sweden, the Twilight Forge. The music took shape and grew from the depths of their hearts, and the basis of the songs swiftly came into existence. Hence, the first ever adventure metal album - »Tales Of Ancient Prophecies« - saw the light of day in 2014. In the wake of their successful first release, and two glorious tours across Europe with SONATA ARCTICA and GLORYHAMMER, TWILIGHT FORCE have returned to the Forge to craft their second opus. The conquest has merely begun...