Na twee 'in-your-face' rockers die refereerden naar hun beginjaren, laten Rival Sons met hun derde 'single' en titelnummer van het nieuwe album Feral Roots terug die typische mix van akoestische elementen en stevige rootsrock horen. "That song is one of my favorite collaborations that Scott (Holiday, guitarist) and I have ever done," Buchanan says. "I had written the verses and the chord changes and these lyrics and I showed it to him, and Scott knows I'm very much into Appalachian melodies and the dark side of bluegrass and the mountain side of country music. He immediately goes, 'Yeah, man, I totally get it.' At one point later I called him and said, 'Look man, this is a little too Appalachian-style and I think it needs some fuzz and that collective identity,' and he didn't skip a beat. It all fit like a glove, and it was a great creative flashpoint to witness." -Jay Buchanan- Op woensdag 27 februari live te bewonderen in Trix...voor wie wil genieten van de échte redders van rock&roll!